...perlu jugak yang tak perlu...
-------- Kata pojan n luppi (kat IKB), "wat la blog..best..nnt leh wat link ngan kitorang.."
Aku balik ukm lebih kurang 2 minggu lepas. Sibuk dengan minggu orientasi. Kemudian minggu pendaftaran kursus. Sibuk lagi. Masuk minggu ni, alhamdulillah, ada lah ruang nak bernafas.
Sedar tak sedar, sekarang aku kat depan pc. Cuba bercerita dalam diam. Cerita apa aku belum pasti. Mungkin tentang aku. Pengenalan mungkin. Perlu kah? Hmmm, tak perlu asyik buat benda yang perlu je kan?
ok, here it goes.
I find myself thinkin' about yesterday. Best gak ble igt zaman muda2 dulu nih..hihi..tp..ade gak part yg xbest. Aku bukannye perfect. Ye la, in the moment that it takes when u find u made your mistakes but then, when u turn around, hmmm, u turn around n it's gone...hmmm..camtula.. Ssh nk xplain sbenarnye. I can cry myself to sleep at night but still i can't change the things i've done, i had it there then it slipped away...Ya,u know, juz like u left the song unsung.
Hmm..sumtimes i wonder, how was i to know i would be d lucky one?? Probs keep coming..no matter how hard i tried to fight it till at 1 moment tuh, most of us pon leh give up. Cuma,ada one thing i alwiz remember. There's alwiz the bright side in e'thing. U know, apa pon jadi mesti ada hikmah dia. And so d story goes. Sometimes i juz wanna run away but i never know what might be comin' round my way..so..i kept on walking.
Life aku x la smooth mcm yg aku nk. Ups n downs tu dh lumrah. Lucky me, somehow i still managed to come this far. Alhamdulillah...thanks to Him. I had my FAMILY n frens dat never hesitate to lend their arms n ears 4 me whenever i needed 'em. Thhx 2 all of u!! Hanya Dia yang mampu membalasnya. Plus, lucky 4 me too, He sent me d best strenght to help me rise from e'thin. Sumone i've been wishing 4 so long. She stays right beside me through thick n thin...her trust 4 me made me stronger n stronger e'day...thankx a lot to her too~
OK la.....tu je la here n there pasal life aku. xbest pon..tp 4 me..itz a great one...!!
Aku balik ukm lebih kurang 2 minggu lepas. Sibuk dengan minggu orientasi. Kemudian minggu pendaftaran kursus. Sibuk lagi. Masuk minggu ni, alhamdulillah, ada lah ruang nak bernafas.
Sedar tak sedar, sekarang aku kat depan pc. Cuba bercerita dalam diam. Cerita apa aku belum pasti. Mungkin tentang aku. Pengenalan mungkin. Perlu kah? Hmmm, tak perlu asyik buat benda yang perlu je kan?
ok, here it goes.
I find myself thinkin' about yesterday. Best gak ble igt zaman muda2 dulu nih..hihi..tp..ade gak part yg xbest. Aku bukannye perfect. Ye la, in the moment that it takes when u find u made your mistakes but then, when u turn around, hmmm, u turn around n it's gone...hmmm..camtula.. Ssh nk xplain sbenarnye. I can cry myself to sleep at night but still i can't change the things i've done, i had it there then it slipped away...Ya,u know, juz like u left the song unsung.
Hmm..sumtimes i wonder, how was i to know i would be d lucky one?? Probs keep coming..no matter how hard i tried to fight it till at 1 moment tuh, most of us pon leh give up. Cuma,ada one thing i alwiz remember. There's alwiz the bright side in e'thing. U know, apa pon jadi mesti ada hikmah dia. And so d story goes. Sometimes i juz wanna run away but i never know what might be comin' round my way..so..i kept on walking.
Life aku x la smooth mcm yg aku nk. Ups n downs tu dh lumrah. Lucky me, somehow i still managed to come this far. Alhamdulillah...thanks to Him. I had my FAMILY n frens dat never hesitate to lend their arms n ears 4 me whenever i needed 'em. Thhx 2 all of u!! Hanya Dia yang mampu membalasnya. Plus, lucky 4 me too, He sent me d best strenght to help me rise from e'thin. Sumone i've been wishing 4 so long. She stays right beside me through thick n thin...her trust 4 me made me stronger n stronger e'day...thankx a lot to her too~
OK la.....tu je la here n there pasal life aku. xbest pon..tp 4 me..itz a great one...!!
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